مدونة طارق

آخر التدوينات

السبت، 17 أبريل 2010

فن التعليق بخيوط النايلون...ابداع رائع

للوهلة الأولى تبدو هذه الكائنات وجودهم في الحركة ، تقريبا مثل شئ ساقط ، وخاصة بطانية "الفراولة". في الواقع هم فعلا مواد طبيعية ، مثل الريش ، والفاكهة والزهور ، والمعلقة على خيوط النايلون. النحات كلير مورغان من بلفاست هو الصانع لهذا العمل الفني الرائع. اليكم بقية ابداعاته

Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (11) Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (10) 

Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (9) Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (8) Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (7) Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (6) Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (5) Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (4) Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (3) Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (2) Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion (1)

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